[영어동화] 유명인이 영어동화 읽어주는 사이트 “Storyline online”

The site I would like to introduce this time is a site where celebrities come out and read fairy tales in English. https://www.storylineonline.net

I sometimes show it to my daughter, but the people who came out are kind of talent donations, so I try to read fairy tales in real life, and the pictures inserted in the fairy tales come out together, so even if my child doesn’t understand English well, he or she will concentrate. I think it will also help my child learn English (I want to believe that everything is actually input in English…lol)

“The House That Jane Built,” a fairy tale told by movie star Keananshivka

The age group that recommends fairy tales is about 3 to 4 years old. The playback time is about 15 minutes.Actually, reading English fairy tales on YouTube is popular… But I think they will read carefully selected fairy tales in their own way!

The video consists of inserted pictures and subtitles of fairy tales as the main videos, and a person who reads fairy tales appears in the middle. When I have to play YouTube videos to my child, I feel a little less guilty than just playing meaningless toy games.It’s also good for adults to learn English! Please read it slowly and the content is a fairy tale, so it is simple and instructive.But I’ve heard a few times that it’s a fairy tale, but I couldn’t understand what it meant without subtitles. You can also see it on YouTube on wwwStorylineonline~ https://www.youtube.com/user/StorylineOnline

Storyline Online SAG-AFTRA Foundation Award-winning Daytime Emmy-nominated children’s literature website Strategy Online streams imaginative videos featuring prominent actors reading children’s books by Viola Davis, Alison Janie, Chris Pine, Wanda Sykes, Justin Teru and Betty White… www.youtube.com

Storyline Online SAG-AFTRA Foundation Award-winning Daytime Emmy-nominated children’s literature website Strategy Online streams imaginative videos featuring prominent actors reading children’s books by Viola Davis, Alison Janie, Chris Pine, Wanda Sykes, Justin Teru and Betty White… www.youtube.com

Storyline Online SAG-AFTRA Foundation Award-winning Daytime Emmy-nominated children’s literature website Strategy Online streams imaginative videos featuring prominent actors reading children’s books by Viola Davis, Alison Janie, Chris Pine, Wanda Sykes, Justin Teru and Betty White… www.youtube.com

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